The year of 2013





“ Ekiden “ is a long-distance relay road. New Year Ekiden is the race on

every New Year’s Day by the marathon runners for Japanese major enterprises.

The enterprise which won the first place rises in fame. This year, the winner

is KonicaMinolta. Konica won 7 victories so far. The last was 5 years ago.

My father “Kuma” was once an executive for Konica headquarter in Tokyo, Japan.

In my childhood, I often used some resort facilities Konica manages.

I have a lot of wonderful memories with them.


The victory of 2013, Congratulations!!   Jan. 1, 2013


bdfan6 Princess Matsu was born in 1561 during the Age of Civil Wars as a daughter

of the lord Takeda Shingen. The lord Shingen had many daughters. There is a record

that Matsu was the most lovely and beloved daughter for the lord in all.

After the great lord death, the fief lost power. In 1582, Princess Matsu left the fief,

Yamanashi prefecture with two nieces, a warrior’s daughter and 20 retainers.

Crossing some ridges and going forward animal trails, the party arrived in Hachioji.

Princess Matsu and three little ladies settled themselves in a tiny Buddhist nunnery.

The tiny nunnery was in my ancestor Kuma’s domain. Matsu was a beautiful lady.

Many Samurais proposed marriage. However, Matsu refused all of them and chose

to live as a nun. All her life, Matsu loved the only warrior who died for the civil war.

For the soul, Matsu became nun. By the way, Don’t be surprised to learn. The man

who was most completely stuck on her is the first Shogun, Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Even after Matsu became a nun, the first Shogun didn't change his mind. Shinsyo-in

is the temple Matsu established. The nun Matsu educated children and women in the

temple. She died in 1616.  Princess Matsu, the great achievement is that laid the

foundation of textiles in Hachioji-city.  Jan. 23, 2013

The street which face to the temple Matsu established is no electric wires and

the poles. I feel here Nikola Tesla’s AC system. Nikola Tesla is a Serbian who

was born in Croatia. Do you know that Hachioji-city and Croatia are in common?

Croatia’s local industry is Necktie. Hachioji-city’s is the same. I wish to tie

both of them. Jan. 10, 2013   Jan. 16, 2013  June 1, 2015  


Dear America;

I like America so much. America brought out my potential capacities.

I really appreciate it. However, there’s an important matter eager you to ask.

Eliminate the gun clime. In You, I indicate that the gun is the terrible matter

for foreigners. I understand that you guard yourself by the guns, though,

we scary it. If nowhere is the crime, I am sure America will be the most

wonderful country in the world. Jan. 11, 2013


The encounter anniversary

Jan 28, 2001(sun) is the day I encountered Nikola Tesla at the front of the museum

of Guggenheim. The time was 8:45 am. After running in the Central Park, he led me

to the Croatia Kingdom  Jan. 24, 2013


Ten Japanese able men died at the desert. The Algeria Government

should’ve taken the cautious action against the terrorists.  Jan. 25, 2013


Grand Central Terminal which is the most favorite place in New York for me

has seen the 100th birthday come round.Standing in the nostalgic architecture,

I used to depart for the long past New York.        Feb 5, 2013


The winter storm in NY has gone. However, don’t slip on the road surface.

Take care.  Feb 10, 2013


Bright objects seem to be the fragments of a meteorite streaked through the sky

in western Siberia. They accompanied by a boom that damaged buildings across

a vast territory. Around 500 people were reported to have been injured from

breaking glass. I feel as if it were a SF movie. NASA reported on its Web site

that a small asteroid, known as 2012 DA14, is expected to pass close to earth

early in the morning on Feb 16 (JapanTime). It was not clear whether the meteorite

event in the Ural Mountains was related. I am afraid that the meteorites often

hit on the earth.   Feb 15, 2013


cosmos1d What happened on Siberia?

Usually between Mars and Jupiter, An asteroid is a rock larger than a boulder

orbiting in the inner solar system. A space rock which is smaller than a boulder

is called a meteroid. Thousands plow into Earth's atmosphere every day, however,

almost all burn up before hitting the ground. When an asteroid or meteroid enters

Earth's atmosphere generates a visible streak of light. It is a meteor. According to

the experts from the Russian Academy of Sciences, A 10-ton meteor around 10 feet

in diameter was hurtling toward the Earth at a speed of about 10 to 12 miles per

second. And, the scientists believe the meteor exploded upon hitting the lower

atmosphere and disintegrated at an altitude of about 20 to 30 miles above the

Earth’s surface. When and where on the Earth would this event happen?

The prognostication seems to be impossible for NASA.    Feb 16, 2013


According to The NewYorkTimes article David P. Linsky is a Democratic state

representative in Massachusetts who wants to require gun owners to buy insurance,

to ensure more responsible behavior. Lawmakers in at least half a dozen states,

including California, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York and Pennsylvania,

have proposed legislation this year that would require gun owners to buy liability

insurance ? much as car owners are required to buy auto insurance. Doing so would

give a financial incentive for safe behavior, they hope, as people with less dangerous

weapons or safety locks could qualify for lower rates. He believes it will encourage

more responsible behavior and therefore reduce accidental shootings.

 “Insurance companies are very good at evaluating risk factors and setting their

premiums appropriately,” he added. Mr. Monge said that the problem with most

liability insurance is that it promises coverage only in cases of a gun owner’s

negligence, or an accidental shooting ? and not if the gun owner shoots someone

intentionally in self-defense. “A negligent act is covered by your liability policy,

but if you intentionally shoot somebody, it could be excluded,” he said.


Hello America,

I know that all accident insurance exclude the intentional acts. The liability insurance

for gun owners might reduce the gun crime, though, would be difficult to eliminate it.

As the lord’s obligation, we have possessing this gun from generation to generation

since 1838. Moreover, my mother’s line was the sword smith for generations.

Dairy, the sword smith commenced his craft with prayer and purification

BUSHIDObyINAZO NITOBE(P119). The workshop a sanctuary is a source that the sword

takes human life, therefore, it is sacred. I believe that we respected human life more

than anything else. I don’t intend to preach for you. However, our possessing arms,

the history is far longer than all of you. And, the most important factor for gun owners,

I assert, it is nothing else than morality. Feb 23, 2013   Feb 24, 2013




The families with daughters celebrate Girls festival on March 3.

Wishing for the daughters’ good health and growth, the hina dolls

with gorgeous kimono in the ancient Heian(794〜1185 A.D.)

court are displayed on the stepped shelf. In my childhood,

my grandmother displayed the dolls on 7 stepped shelves for me.

There was a bottle of white sake on the lowest one. One day,

I was found with the empty bottle. My face was red and the eyes

were hollow. It seemed that I took the bottle, drunk to the last drop

and collapsed. My mother was shocked and took me to a hospital.

I don’t remember anything. This is a mystery of mine in Girls festival.

Mar 3, 2013



Pollens have fallen and arrived.  Take care.     Mar 8, 2013


Two years passed after the big earthquake. As time passes, it is buried in oblivion.

Remember it as much as the Sep 11Mar 11, 2013


March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day for the Irish. I know that most fire fighters in NYFD

are the Irish. There’s a parade on 5th avenue and everybody can enjoy the day.

I hope New York Cities entirely are filled with Green colors, Clovers and Peace.  

Mar 15, 2013


i8Easter is coming, though, there’s a matter I’m anxious. Listen to me.

My able retainer bunny is missing. The last time I met him was Apr 1999.

Putting on a bow tie, with a look of joy, he came to me and reported of

his job get for Playboy Enterprises, Inc. Since then, I’ve never met him.

Actually, I’ve never searched him because I felt that he has been enjoying

his life with the ladies and must be happy. But now, he got on in years.  I’m afraid

lest he came down with a heart attack. Easter is coming soon. He knows that Bunny

is a symbol for the day. And, he has a way of viewing a full moon alone. If you

witnessed a bunny viewing a full moon around Easter, he might be the missing retainer.

I believe he has been staying in New York City he loves.  Please tell him that your lord

MoonPrincessL wishes you are now very happy.         Mar 18, 2013


ichigousa02Travanj 2013

Ja se sjećam te tvoja rođendana, Marco Polo's lijepa sestra Maria.

Vi ste proslavile u proljeće 2004 prije Uskrs.

Sretna rođendana, Maria!! Imate dvanaest godina.

Tvoja LadyMoon, Sremirata iz drugi Planet.



Boston is the beautiful and academic city. I’ve ever visited.

The terrorists attacked Boston marathon. Receiving intelligence of it

in advance is more important than the strict guard.

Never break out the tragedy.        Apr 16, 2013


I was frightened when I got up in the morning. My face, the quarter are being

occupied by the blisters. What happened on my face (;_;)!!  Actually, I’ve been

suffering from a pain since last week. I rushed into a dermatologist with fear.

The dermatologist told me that the disaster is Herpes zoster. I’m sorry I would

be low-spirited for three weeks to come for that.  Apr 16, 2013


Dan Shinku holds a solo exhibition from this coming May 20 through

May 25 at Ginza in the center of Tokyo, Japan.  Please visit and listen

to his performance. Dan's Art I am sure you would be fascinated by

the bamboo tone.     Apr 24, 2013


I haven’t recovered from the Herpes zoster. The main cause is that

I don’t acclimatize to Japan.To cure this disease completely,I should

go to another world.     May 6, 2013


Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe purchased the site in Long Island, New York

a Tesla’s lab existed. Ja sam vesela kao Sremirata Nikola Tesla je dopisivao se.

(I am glad as the ET which Nikola Tesla was exchanging of messages.) 

May 15, 2013


The tornado whirled and destroyed Oklahoma. I sympathize greatly with the loss.

Hope that everything in the city will return quickly.    May 22, 2013


June 10 of 2013, this dreamy elementary school KumaDangocomes around

the 140th anniversary of the founding. The large scale ceremony is held on

this coming November and my father and me are invited as the founder.

My ancestor Kuma established this school. And, my great grandpa

contributed as well. Now, my distant relative Santaro is active for

the school children. I should do something hereafter. June 8, 2013


Naginata is a Budo which uses the arm resembles the spear.

The history is older than Kendo.I practice Naginata.  My goal

is the chief instructor of CIA. I can speak three languages

Japanese,English and Serbo-Croatian as well.      June 9, 2013

Naginata Instruction


The Committee has authorized Mt.Fuji and Miho-no-Matsubara in Japan as

World Heritage. Mt.Fuji is a sanctuary which a goddess Konohana Sakura inhabits.

She is incomparably beautiful like the Fuji’s figure. Please come and view the

beautiful figure. And, she might gaze at you. Miho-no-Matsubara is the seashore

which a heavenly maiden flies down. Please come and walk on the shore. And,

you might be able to meet the maiden. June 24, 2013


bdtanabata15Tanabata is the day Altair and Vega meet once a year if the weather

permits. People write their wishes on strips of fancy paper and put them

on displays made of the branches of bamboo trees. By the way, I know

a way they can meet even raining.It is unnecessary to cross the Milky Way.

The Milky Way that inner space is Black Hole. By going through the hole,

they can meet each other. However, inconceivable bravery and passion

would be required for that.     June 29, 2013

ForTanabata  June 30, 2013



It is my pleasure to talk about a story surrounding the world heritage Mt.Fuji.

The story is that there are no beautiful women who live in the place can view

Mt. Fuji or close by.The goddess Konohana Sakuya which guards Mt. Fuji is

incomparably beautiful, though, very jealous. For her, the beautiful women

are nothing but offense. “ I am the best in the world ”As soon as she finds

the offensive targets close her, drives far away. She might’ve left only

bad-looking women to make look her better. It is said that there’s a scientific

basis about the story. In Japan, a qualification of the beauty was that the lady

who has the clear skin. Throughout the year, the area close by Mt. Fuji is dry

and sunshine. The climate is not good for the skin. The beautiful women in Japan

live in the area of heavy snowfall such as Akita and Niigata.Throughout the year,

the area is wet and cloudy. The climate is good for the skin. Therefore, if you

witnessed a very beautiful woman close by Mt. Fuji, she might be the reincarnation

of Konohana Sakuya.        July 7, 2013



Doves in Bryant Park is the best Nikola Tesla for me


Ϲрeтан рођeндан, Никола Тесла ( Happy birthday )


Idemo u Shonan!! The Tesla Coil works on this coming Aug 17. 

10 Srpanj (July), 2013


One year, I stopped over the Detroit International Airport. Looking around

the air terminal, I found a perfume at a Duty free shop. The name is “ Miracle ″

I got it. I expect that the city of Detroit sets the finances soon in order and

is also the good rival of Japan in the past, present and future. July 22, 2013


Hachioji Summer Festival is now open. HachiFes2012 Regarding the festival,

a lady of my Samurai family line once won the honor “ Miss Hachioji ″in 1980s.

She was really beautiful lady who has long legs and looks intelligent. Actually,

I’m not interested in the festival any more, though, would like the people

who love the Japanese tradition to enjoy it.      Aug 3, 2013



2001GroundZero   Remember the Day   As of Sep 11, 2013



Listen carefully to the subtle tone.  虚空    Sep 12, 2013


"Aokigahara”is a labyrinth and a sea of trees at the foot of Mt. Fuji.

In the labyrinth, the pocket compass is not useful. Here’s a strong warning for you

 “Never step in the labyrinth” We,Japanese know that Aokigahara is the place

many commit suicide. The suicide’s spirits are floating. There are some hiking trails

there. Many hikers were possessed. I have the experience as well. Around 1994,

I was riding a horse on the trail with my companies. Suddenly, my horse sat down.

I saw a white flash then. When I recovered, I was riding horse. The way out was close.

According to my companies, I fell off my horse and gave me a ride again.

I don’t remember anything since the flash. What possessed me?  I was offended

at the floating. “Burei Mono!! (the insolent thing)”. I know that you have a good time

at Mt.Fuji. However, don’t step in the labyrinth.     14 Sep , 2013



At the Palisades Interstate Park in New Jersey, USA.



Sretan rođendan, moj drag P!!  ( Happy Birthday )

You are just the genius who got my message at the high point.

17 rujan (Sep), 2013


Tonight is a full moon. I am pleasure my retainers are fine.    Sep 19, 2013


Halloween is coming soon. In Japan, there’s no custom that children

disguise themselves, call at houses and get candies on the night. Therefore,

you were new for me. Thank you.I took the Halloween ten years ago at

my friend’s house in New York.  2003NewYorkHalloween Now, I miss

these children. I know only two in it. If you saw my Halloween pictures

and found yourself in it, please get in touch with me.

mailto :   Sep 29, 2013


Oyster Festival is held on this coming Oct 19th & 20th. In the year of 2002,

me and my friend P visited Oyster Bay and enjoyed it. Thank you for driving

from Manhattan, P!!. Oyster is a product of Japan also. Do you think where

the center is? Hiroshima and Miyagi prefectures are. But, Miyagi's Oyster

suffered the loss by the big tsunami on Mar 11, 2011.  Tasting your oyster,

I noticed an interesting contrast. You Americans are big, though, we Japanese

are small. Your oyster is small, though, ours is big. Anyway,we have some

recipes for oyster.  Exchanging culture might be tasty.    Oct 12, 2013


Hello US Congress;

Autumn is the best season for East Coast in US. Working little your public corporations

is not only inconvenient but also brings you little profit. I hope the quick settlement.

Oct 15, 2013


At this time of last year, I met with Hurricane Sandy in New York City. This October,

two big typhoons hit the entire Japan. The storm ruined the best season. The primary

source which many tropical cyclones form is the global warming. Oct 28, 2013


jack1In Halloween 2013

Once upon a time, there was a great guy whose name is Taira-no-Masakado.

As the Emperor Kanmu’s great- great- grandson, he was born in Ibaragi

prefecture. Masakado dreamed of becoming the king of Kanto region. However,

the dream broke. He was killed as a traitor by the Imperial Court. His head was

exposed at Kyoto. One night, his eyes were open, gave out light and the head rose.

Moreover, the head flew over Japan and just fell into Otemachi, Tokyo. A mound

was built for Masakado at the place. After a while, the accident occurred that

the people who tried to move and demolish the mound suddenly die. People feared

and whispered about "Masakado Curse". Otemachi is the business district. Even now,

there is a mystery that the business person who turns the back to Masakado and

sits down suddenly dies. Masakado was a lord of manor who was loved by the people

in the region. And, he was a great guy who fought for us against the Imperial Court.

We should not forget the Great lord Masakado. I believe he is still fine.

The king of Kanto region Oct 31, 2013


Lately, I found out in the West something is similar to Masakado. Do you think

what it is? It is “Lucifer”. Lucifer and Masakado are much in common. The angel

and the devil might  be almost the same.     Nov 30, 2013


With Special Thanks and Appreciation;

Today, this school celebrated the 140th anniversary of the founding.

Attending the ceremony, I got to know that many people who love

this school like fairyland have been supporting. As the founder’s descendant,

thank you very much. This school is immortality.   Nov 16, 2013


I took these photos on Nov 22, 2001 at Manhattan in New York. WTCAfter2M

Since the day was Thanksgiving Holiday, many visited.  Nov 21, 2013


The comet everybody looked forward unfortunately burnt. I’m so sorry.  

Dec 1, 2013


matu2bDan sv.Nikole,    6 prosinac, 2013

Dragi moj sv.Nikole. ti si super anđeo u svemir.

i , si širio krila at Mt. medvjed NJ, USA.




    bdxmas32   xmas2

SSanta1 The story of Sumiyaki Santa  ( as of Dec 23, 2012)

There's the Sumiyaki Santa's post. "Who are you?"

"Why do you love Sumiyaki so much?"  "What motivate

you to Sumiyaki with the costume? ″  “What’s your goal? ″

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask him.

Our Santa will be glad your letters.

The Santa’s post:  2885 KamiOngata, Hachioji-shi,

Tokyo 192-0156, JAPAN

Anyway,he is coming soon!!  Dec 14, 2013




Now, the low exchange rate for the yen would invite you to Japan.

Moreover, it’s just the time you come to my domain in Tokyo.

KumaKingdomMay & July  Princess Kiko had ever visited. And,

you can see the gate of her father’s second house in it.


However, getting here is not easy for you.

If you have any friends who live in Tokyo,

I’ll suggest you ask them driving.

The mountain bike is the best way, though.

We would welcome you. And, the people

who gave some benefits in my domain

could expect OMOTENASHI by LadyMoon.   

Dec 21, 2013



See you next year