The year of 2012 is like Rising Dragon


DaigoS26 DaigoS24

Ryuzou (Ryu=Dragon. zou=store house )  shrine in My family’s traditional domain.

2012 Jan.






In Hachioji City Historical Museum



The sword is We, Samurai’s soul. BUSHIDO by INAZO NITOBE (P117)

This Japanese sword “SHITAHARATOU” was made in my home town’s some zones.

The sword-smith started making this magnificent art in MUROMACHI period

( 1333〜1568) and came to the end at the year of 1868 the Samurai era closed.  

20 Jan. 2012


SETSUBUN is the ceremony held on February 3. People scatter roasted

soy beans shouting “ Oni wa Soto(= Evil is out )” and “ Fuku wa Uchi

(= Happiness is inside). Eating an amount of beans that corresponds to

their age bring good health. I’ve just done this ceremony.

bdoni1       bdoni3       bdoni2

They are goblins, SETSUBUN’s stars are threw the beans.

Somehow, the goblins always put on Tiger pants.    3 Feb. 2012





Koji je danas dan? (What day is it today?)

Danas je tvoj deveti rođendan.   

Markchan anifusen01r01

Sretan rođendan, Mark!!  ( Happy Birthday )

Mark was born under the sign of Peace (Pisces).

And, you are the only baby I looked after.I am sorry I can not see you.

But, believe that I've been watching lovely you grow from far away.

With All My Love  24 Veljača, 2012  (Feb)


Spring has not come in Tokyo, Japan yet. However,

My great-grandpa`s Cherry trees have just come into full bloom

in the capital of America.   The birth place

20 Mar , 2012












Bushido and Sakura ( Cherry blossoms )


The Yamato spirit is not a tame, tender plant, but a wild-in the sense of

natural-growth;it is indigenous to the soil; its accidental qualities it may

share with the flowers of other lands, but in its essence it remains the original,

spontaneous outgrowth of our clime. But, its nativity is not its sole claim to

our affection. The refinement and grace of its beauty appeal to our aesthetic

sense as no other flower can. We can not share the admiration of the

Europeans for their roses, which lack the  simplicity of our flower. Then, too,

the thorns that are hidden beneath the sweetness of the rose, the tenacity

with which she clings to life, as though loth or afraid to die rather than drop

untimely, preferring to rot on her stem; her showy colours and heavy odours-all

these are traits so unlike our flower which carries no dagger of poison under

its beauty, which is even ready to depart life at the call of nature, whose

colours are never gorgeous, and whose light fragrance never palls. 





Bushido is Sakura which our land’s indigenous and symbolizes Japan. Sakura

never wilt. Before the wilt, Sakura fall beautifully with Wind and Rain.

That is the essence of Samurai. In another way, this moment is the most

precious and important in the life. Sakura have not come into full bloom

here yet. However, the front is coming soon!!    1 Apr, 2012












bdkodomo6  May 5 is CHILDREN’s Day. People celebrate the healthy growth of Boys.

The origin is that Samurai families wished the boys grow manly and courageously.

Families with boys display Yoroikazari(Armor ornament) inside the houses and

put up Koinobori(Carp streamers) outside. The carp is thought to be a lucky fish

symbolizing success in life. Now,look up at the blue sky!!

You could view the lucky streaming carps in Japan.  1 May, 2012



Dan Shinku is a great artist who makes Shakuhachi and performs it by

the bamboo grew in my family’s traditional domain. The tone is subtle

and profound. I also plays flute from ancient times made by bamboo.

Dan Shinku holds a solo exhibition from May 15 through May 20 at Ginza

in the center of Tokyo, Japan.  Please visit and listen to his performance.

I am sure you would be fascinated by the bamboo tone.  Dan'sArt  

15 May, 2012



I should tell about this every rainy season.  The duty

The honorable duty's opening was June, the year of 1652.

It is said that Falling rain welcomed the first Samurais.

10 June, 2012












June 10 is the founding anniversary of this elementary school

The founder is my great ancestor “ Kuma”.

Kuma started this dreamy school in Edo Period(1600-1868).

The students brought vegetables as the fee.

Now, this elementary school offers the ideal education for children

commune with nature.   10 June, 2012

The historical desk
















Ϲрeтан рођeндан, Никола Тесла ( Happy birthday )


Genij da ti si palio i obasjao svijet 

Genius who lit the world !!


Today, there is one important thing I should confess.

I am the ET Nikola Tesla communicated with.

The day I will show you the evidence is not so far.

10 Srpanj (July), 2012



Olympic Games start with the sacred fire and finish with it.

The fire is inviolable by ideology, politics, the ethnic group and religion.

I wish to light the fire in Sarajevo, again and forever.  25 July, 2012


Bon Festival is A Buddhist event.  The Bon During the Bon period,

many city-dwellers go back to their home towns. And, they enjoy

meeting their old friends and relatives. Bon dance and Small lanterns

with the spirits float on the river might be seen in country sides. 

15 Aug, 2012



Cap.Armstrong was the great man who came to the first step on my homeland.

I was greatly saddened to learn of his death.  27 Aug, 2012  LadyMoon







In the morning on Sep 11, A NYPD officer is driving to work

listening to the radio music on West side highway. That was

just the prosperity before the collapse. Watching this DVD

WorldTradeCenter (I’ve just written the review by Japanese ),

I feel now the same air I had in the NY morning.

GroundZero2001   11 Sep, 2012 


How often do you visit the graves in a year? Sep 23 is the Autumnal Equinox Day

which remember the departed people and worship our ancestor. People visit the

ancestors’graves and pray for the souls.My ancestor’s grave

And, I pray for the Sep 11 victims on this day.     23 Sep, 2012


Next month, I am going to Niagara Falls and New York to see Nikola Tesla.

Do you know that the man found me in the cut bamboo has been operating

the mini hydroelectric power station? The station is in my domain.

Observing the Niagara Falls hydroelectric power plant by George Westinghouse

& Nikola Tesla is my duty. Also, I want to visit Shoreham in Long Island.

First of all, I am looking forward to see my old friends in the most beautiful season.

See you soon my dear Americans!!   26 Sep, 2012


I've returned from New York. Fortunately, Sandy was not so hard on me.

I am talking about my NY story soon.  4 Nov, 2012



Yes. He can    7 Nov , 2012












Sandy has gone. But, the new hurricane" Nor'easter" is coming to New York.

Take care of it, my dear friends.      8 Nov , 2012


I took these photos today, 11years ago.   WTCAfter2Months   22 Nov , 2012



In Croatia, Dec 6 is Dan sv.Nikole Children look forward to getting the presents.

Saint Nikola left many warm presents for us live in 21st century.

Thank you, Nikola!!    icon-santa    6 Dec , 2012



snowman1There has been a great Santa Claus “ Sumiyaki(=the charcoal making)

Santa “ in my domain. At the Christmas time every year, the Santa

appears and starts making charcoal by the bamboos. On the Eve,

the Santa gives the charcoal to the children so that they can make

comfortable life and taste much healthy food.Nobody knows

who the Santa is and where he from is. The rumor in the villagers has it that

Sumiyaki Santa is Sumiyaki Santaro’s Costume play. Xmas Eve, the children

dream of the    presents in the socks and go to beds.   23 Dec, 2012  

Who is Santaro?



Are you enjoying Xmas?  I have the duty serves the area

from tomorrow till New Year.









This is the last of 2012.

The happiest thing for me in this year is going back to New York.

I suffered form the hurricane Sandy. To get the information, I turned

TV on. Wow!!   The Mr,G appeared. I am glad Mr.G has been on TV

as the weather man. And, I was able to meet my American friends

after the interval of 7 and 8 years. They welcomed me sincerely.

Above all, the most important thing I learned is that People unite

beyond Ethnic group, Religion and Ideology when the natural disaster hit.


Thank you very much for my warmhearted friends!!     25 Dec , 2012



See you next year



