The year of 2015







Do you taste the special food on the New Year? We taste OsechiRyori on the days.

Japanese housewives used to start preparing the food a year or half a year ago.

Making the food is hard work. So, I recommend the other traditional food,

Nanakusagayu. Nanakusagayu is the rice porridge prepared with the seven grasses

of spring which is 芹・なずな・御形・はこべ・仏座・菘・すずしろ. We usually taste it

for breakfast on Jan. 7. You could find the grasses in your neighborhood. Feeling

the coming of spring, won’t you make Nanakusagayu?      Jan. 4, 2015


The terrorist nation seems to try setting up The Ottoman Empire.

If so, it is effective to learn the policy which the empire put into practice.

And, don’t forget the hero, Dracula the Ottoman Empire had shaken.Jan. 8, 2015

Never surrender the terrorism.   Jan. 11, 2015


It is my great pleasure to introduce my old colleague, Koyata Shiin (1761〜?).

His first name “ Shiin ” means the son of Tiger. Please call him Tiger. I and Tiger

acted together at Nikko as the firefighter. He was not only a firefighter but also

a medical doctor and an astronomer. Moreover, I should inform you that Tiger

is the only medical doctor on earth who can cure ET. Of course, He is a Samurai

who uses the sword.Tiger gave the decoction and cured many poor people by

free of charge. According to the file, Tiger who was loved by people died at the

beginning of 19th century. But, it is untruth! A few years ago, I watched him

working at a space station in the Galaxy far away. And, I notice that Tiger is

coming soon for me.     Jan. 18, 2015  Nov. 13, 2015


The monument of Koyata Shiin(小谷田子寅)

 in Shimo-Ongata,Hachioji.Tokyo, Japan.


If I am the Prime Minister of Japan, I’ll never pay the ransom for the reason of

a terror fund. And, as I’d already showed to you, there’s no hostage in Bushido.

I suggest that the nations organize the military strength such as America and

Israel rescue all hostages. Jan. 21, 2015


My father, Takeda Shingen was the unrivaled lord as his motto is Sun-tzu during

the Age of Civil Wars in 15th century. Nobody was able to defeat my father. As

his daughter, I indicate here the tactics which the terror nation comes to the end. 

As of Jan.26, 2015  It isn’t easy for me to write it by English. And, I want to add

that Crusade could ruin the terror nation by the military strength,however, only

the true Moslem can eliminate the root of the evil and give judgment by Allah. 

Jan. 26, 2015   Feb 5, 2015



The cold wave hit you, New Yorkers. Take care and enjoy.     Jan. 27, 2015


During Edo Period, My ancestor Kuma was not only a firefighter

and the schoolmaster of a Terakoya (an elementary school)

but also the representative of a checkpoint. As the representative,

he was able to pass judgments and execute the criminals.

There were no prisons in Edo Period. Therefore, right after

the judgment, the sentences were executed. USA had ever set

the leaders of Terror nation who were the criminals free.

It was a big fault. The prisons take in Terrorists are unnecessary.

They are waste of Taxes. Soon after Terrorists are arrested,

they have to be executed. A checkpoint in EdoPeriod.

Feb. 1, 2015



We generally value the decent. The king of Jordan,

Abdullāh is the 43rd direct descendant of Prophet Muhammad.

Namely, the set which defy the king of Jordan is not Muslim.

Feb 7, 2015


Dear Afmed;      As of Feb 14, 2015

About this time ten years ago, you handed sadly this dog over me.

Then, you were about to weep. I had to leave the company because

my visa was almost expired. After 911 at New York, Arabic residents

came under intense pressure. I suppose you were not the exception

as well. However, it’s ridiculous!! I know that you were not only

an able team leader but also very kind-hearted and thoughtful.

This dog has been on a shelf in my study for ten years.In the future,

he would be keeping me watch warmly and lead me like you. (^_-)-☆ 

On Valentine’s Day



Sretan rođendan, Mark ( Happy Birthday ) 


Danas je tvoj dvanaesti rođendan. It is your 12th Birthday, today!!

Ali, Nisam dobro. Imam vrtoglavicu.   24 Veljača, 2015 


The other day, I’ve be promoted to a higher rank at the Naginata examination.

The next step is a first dan. For that, I’ll improve my waza(=skil) more.

TheNaginata  Feb 25, 2015


Lately, three young girls in England left the country. Young people

seem to join the terror nation.The discontents against your society

bring the radical ideas. Moreover, the caricature was a big fault.

Please listen to their discontents and try to solve them. Feb 26, 2015


Ten years ago today,I was just traveling on a desert in Nevada.

GreatNature Next time, I am sure to visit Area51. Feb 28, 2015


The people who have no relation to the evil would be embroiled by the arms

you are using. Nikola Tesla’s particle beam weapon reduced the victims and

saved many human lives in WW?. From Outer Space, attack the terror nation

by the Tesla’s weapon and ruin the evil. Mar. 5, 2015


When I was a child, I used to read The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen,

The biography of Edison and The straw millionaire . You would have already read

the two of them. The straw millionaire is a Japanese Folk Tale. I recommend

the story. The young man was honest and did the right things. Therefore,

he was able to be the millionaire.  Japanese Folk Tales - English ver.   

Mar. 6, 2015


 Naginata one day courses for beginners are held on this coming

Apr.1 and Apr.3 at Hachioji, Tokyo. Naginata for beginners  Check the place

and the time on the website of Hachioji or the Koho(=P.R.). I’m going to

show up on Apr.1, afternoon and Apr.3. Even if Wednesday, You could meet

me easily. However, I don’t have the official qualification to give you lessons.

The qualified instructors who are 3dan and up in Hachioji speak only Japanese.

Understand that Naginata’s rule is strict. It will be necessary to take with

your friends who speak Japanese if you don’t understand our language.

The one day courses are free of charge. Come and enjoy together!!

Naginata - The Definitive Guide     Mar. 14, 2015


Dan's live performance in my Kingdom by the new art. Jinashi-2.2    Mar. 16, 2015



 Happy St. Patrick’s Day  Enjoy Green!  Mar. 17, 2015 (EST)



Suwa is the place the precision industry began. Especially,

making watch is excellent and proud to all over the world.

The left photo is the oriental water clock which was

imported to Japan from China around AD1092.This clock tower

announced time turning the water wheel round regularly,

furthermore, equipped the function as an astronomical observatory.

As the origin of clock, it was reconstructed in Suwa.

Namely, We Japanese recognize the accurate history.  Mar. 29, 2015


According to the forecast, the cherry trees in Tokyo

will be in full bloom on this coming Tuesday. Mar. 29, 2015


Watch 2015 cherry blossoms in Washington DC, USA if you are close.

The predication says 2015 peak bloom is April 11 to 14. Mar. 30, 2015


Naginata was a compulsory for our Samurai women. The tournament is held on

this coming May 4 at the Tokyo BudoKan in Adachi-ku, Tokyo. I also compete

in the game. Yesterday, there was the training for the day from 9 to 5.

I was so tired. However, I feel my skill is improving. Apr. 13, 2015


Bushido: The Soul of Japan The Training and Position of Women (P122)

〜especially the long-handled sword called nagi-nata, so as to be able to

hold their own against unexpected odds 〜     Apr. 24, 2015 


Just 200 years passed since the first Shogun’s death. Some special events

will be held. May is the best season for Nikko. Come to the Tokugawa Bakufu’s

holy place in the season.

Apr. 21, 2015


The First Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu’s grave in Tosyogu


A big earthquake hit Nepal. As LadyMoon’s Sun-tzu, I suggested “Catch the omen”

not be beaten by the big earthquake. Mar 24, 2012 There are some omens invariably

before the natural disaster.  The omens    Apr. 26, 2015


Today, there was the all day training for the naginata tournament again.

I am so tired now. However, I look forward to the day. Apr. 29, 2015



UNESCO has recommended Nirayama Reverberatory as a World Heritage.

This symbolizes a modern industry in Japan. And, Nirayama is significant for me

as well as Nikko.In 1838 from Egawa who built the reverberatory, my ancestor

Kuma received here the latest arms  to carry out a mission.Nirayama is in

Shizuoka prefecture. I hope many people visit here.       May 6, 2015



Lately, I am asked where the arms now? I will answer the question.

We Samurai women used to train combat. To protect ourselves we

always put on the swords for ladies. My answer is the same place as

the swords were at night. I put the arms under my bed for the combat.

May 12, 2015



I am glad many foreign people visit Japan lately. I want you to visit

my domain as well. For that, it is necessary to take the person with

you who speaks Japanese if you don’t. However, the person could not

guide my domain. Accordingly,there’s an offer that I act the English

speaking guide under the fees. My guidance is unique. I invite you to

Storybrooke (Storybook) and there might happen to find the entrance

to Outer space. I am in the planning. First, the monitor is needed.

Don’t hesitate to ask me directly about it.

 Mail to (English or Japanese)   May 17, 2015


     My land    May2011  &  Summer2011




Zenobia was the Queen of Palmyra. The terror nation's weak point is just

the Warrior Queen like her. It is said that the greatest humiliation in the

Islamic world, men are beaten, hurt, attacked and killed by women. Namely,

Women are the key overthrows IS. By the way,A scene “the violence vs.

violence” came to my mind when I got to know the humiliation. As

the checkpoint representative and the Galaxy unrivaled queen, holding

a candle in one hand and a whip in the other, I found myself ride on

the IS leader and execute a flogging. May 22, 2015


Tomorrow, it is Memorial Day in US. During WW?, the relationship

between JPN and US was the enemy. Moreover, my kinsman was

manufacturing Zero fighter as an engineer at Tachikawa. But now,

I thank you for US did not bomb Nikko and mourn for all the

American fallen soldiers. May 24, 2015


May 31 in the present calendar is the day Princess Matsu died.

The local industry in Hachioji-city is the textile. Princess Matsu(1561〜1616)

built the foundation of it. The woman entrepreneurs in the city respect Matsu

as their symbol. Also, Matsu founded a Buddhist temple. The sect is Sotoshu

which Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Inc. belonged to. But now, Hachioji

manufactures only Necktie. TheNecktie

Jan. 23, 2013 ← Regarding Matsu May 30, 2015


I was a Modern dancer. From three to seven years old, devoted myself to practice it.

In spite of the varicella, I had appeared on the stage. The most regrettable thing in

my New York life is that put an end the dance at 7 years old. New York is the center

of Modern Dance. At the company after Thanksgiving dinner, we held a Disco party.

″LadyMoon is a wonderful and unbelievable dancer! ” My colleagues praised me.

Especially, Afmed ( Feb 14, 2015) did. At that moment, I felt that it’s still possible

for me to practice MoonWalk.  June 6, 2015


Today is 142th anniversary as the elementary school. Kumadango 

June 10, 2015



Dracula actor Christopher Lee died. However, would revive.

Dracula and I are in common.Both of us is the aristocracy and

has the same teeth. Don’t call me a vampire. There’s a great

difference between the west and Japan. For Japanese,the teeth

are cute.Dracula is the immortal creature and invariable comes back. 

June 12, 2015

DraculaZERO  ← Three monkeys of Nikko in Dracula castle!! I was moved.

    I express my thanks to Universal Pictures and the producers.



  Tesla’s Wardenclyffe dream was no distance, that is, Peace.

Peace is not only Tesla’s but also Humanity’s dream.Take part in

the campaign. And, won’t you the dream come true? June 21, 2015 

Please go to My favorite    June 27, 2015


Why don’t you come on this July 10, the Friday night? 

Tower to the People   July 3, 2015   July 4, 2015


I thank you for the audience. Tesla's Dream at Wardenclyffe Continues.

Great job! Joe Sikorski. I’m sure that you are the same level as

Nikola Tesla’s!!.   July 12, 2015



July 4th is USA Independent Day and my protector debut day.

The protector I am putting on now is not mine. When I got the first dan,

the test on next March, I am going to purchase the protector curved

my family crest.       July 4, 2015



The display order is to increase Naginata population.


The Hachioji Castle is known as the haunted place.

The castle ruined in June 23, 1590. Even if in the Civil War era,

the ruin was tragedy. Ask about the story to the volunteer guide.

July 17, 2015


 Hachioji Summer Festival is held from Aug 7 to Aug 9.

Come to join if you are close. At night, you could meet Geishas

can’t call without much money. Enjoy! HachiFes  Aug 2, 2015


Dear America,

Summer 70 years ago, two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and

Nagasaki. I understand you don’t want to listen to it. Many Japanese say

 “ America is too cruel that dropped the bombs on the innocent people”

Still now, many have been suffering from the sequelae. However, Japanese

never demanded you to apologize and hereafter don’t as well because

everything is irrationality of war. Japan looks into the future and wants to

advance with you.  Aug 9, 2015


Japanese like to talk about the ghost in summer.

The stories make us feel chilly. Especially during Bon,

we are eager to talk.  TheBon    Aug 13, 2015


My mother has been looking for a US soldier whose name is Sharp.

70Years ago, Soon after the war, she started a volunteer work

in US base. She was just a child. One day, she got a cold and took

a break from her work. Mr. Sharp walked a long distance and delivered

an aspirin for her She was very pleased, however, was not able to be

honest to the US soldier Sharp then. During the war, she was about

to be strafed by a fighter flies at a low altitude. But now, she can be

honest to Sharp and wishes to say thank you. At that time, my mother

was living in Hino-city, Tokyo. Sharp came from the Midwest and

seemed to be a farmer. No other information. Aug 16, 2015


The TV reporter and the cameraman were shot to kill at Virginia USA

I had ever lived in. The person who practices Budo can perceive the sign

and defeat when the enemy comes close to with the gun. By the way,

Naginata tournament in Hachioji is held on Nov. 3. The president of Hachioji

Naginata Association is Mr. Fukuyasu, the chairman of the municipal assembly.

And, Mr.Fukuyasu’s boss is Hagiuda sensei, a member of the House of

Representatives and those close to the Prime Minister Abe. Last year,

Hagiuda sensei came to watch the tournament. I look forward to the watching

of this year as well.     Aug 29, 2015


Remember Sep. 11, 2001.

The office I worked for was across 2 blocks from WTC7.

Until am8:30,I always was in.However, on that particular day,

I called at and was going to be on 10:30am. I was going to

the office as usual, though, the surrounding situation was

not usual. I returned to my apartment and got a phone call

from my Croatian American friend P. By the phone, I understood

what happened. “You are very close to WTC7.” P was worried

about me. And,I was worried about P. P told me to go to take

pictures and hung up. I went out and was bounding for Downtown.

The Siren from nowhere was sounding. As of Sep 11, 2015


ToNYFD Sep 11, 2015


Never consider the suicide attack by the terrorist as the same as

Japan’s proud Kamikaze. Terrorists are Garbage. The suicide attack

by the garbage takes the innocent people’s life. Kamikaze attacked

the enemy ship at the end of WW2. Kamikaze is Japan’s immortal hero.

Sep 14, 2015



TUKIMI( Moon Viewing) is a festival held at Full moon in September 15

by the lunar calendar to enjoy viewing the full moon and to celebrate

the harvest. The seven flowers of autumn,eulalia, tsukimi-dango and

vegetables are displayed. It’s has been raining lately, though, Today

has cleared up. I can view the home land seeing whether my retainers are

working or not. Sep 18, 2015





I’ll renew my passport within this month. The effective period is until

this coming spring, though,some countries at the entrance require

the remaining on it and the application after the expiration 

needs the extra documents.      Oct 10, 2015


The 32nd Oyster Festival is held at Oyster Bay, NY in Oct. 17 and Oct. 18. 

In the Bay, there’s the 26th President Theodore Roosevelt mansion on a hill

offering scenic views. Aug. 1905, the ambassadors of Japan and Russia met

the mansion, negotiated about the Russo-Japanese War and a Peace treaty

was concluded. Someday, I’d visit the Theodore Roosevelt mansion wishing

a peace.    Oct 16, 2015


A Budo tournament is held tomorrow at the foot of Mt.Takao. I enter it.  

Come to watch it if you are close. Nov. 2, 2015 


Today, I went into the semifinals, though, lost the game. Nov.3, 2015


Where do you guess the guy on a sea turtle goes to? He goes to

“Ryugu”the same as Hayabusa?. Urashimataro   Dec.3, 2015


" Why do you remember the firefighters in a long time ago? "

I don't forget the colleagues shared our joys, pains and sorrows for 216years.

They are always in my memory far away. Thefirefighters Dec.20, 2015



As I told you on last December,Japanese enjoy Christmas even if not Christian.

The Buddhist monks I know recommend us to enjoy Christmas.Budda had ever

preached that concentrate the mind on the present moment. In other words,

 enjoy this moment. Enjoy Christmas altogether!!   Dec 21, 2015



I like this character most in StarWars.  R2D2    Dec 28, 2015